Membership Rates as of January 1st, 2024

Membership Type Joiner’s Fee Annual Fee Monthly Fee
Adult $100 $1,416 $118
Family $100 $2,208 $184
Nanny / Au Pair $50 $744 $62
Senior $100 $804 $67
Senior Family $100 $1,440 $120
Single Parent Family $100 $1,812 $151
Young Adult $50 $768 $64
Youth (Annual) N/A $280 N/A
Youth Aquatics $50 $804 $67


Day Rate
ADULT (20+): $20 per visit
TEEN (13 – 19 YEARS): $15 per visit
YOUTH (12 YRS. & UNDER): $10 per visit


Automatic Monthly Payment Plan

With this plan, membership dues are automatically deducted from a checking account or credit card (MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover) each month with your authorization. When joining, you will pay the joiner’s fee plus the first month. The automatic payments will begin the second month. This plan grants you continuous membership. 

Annual Payment Plan

One year membership can be purchased by paying with cash, check, Amex, Visa, MC, or Discover. New members will be required to pay the joiner’s fee. Annual membership renewals are due on the same anniversary date every year.

Membership Cancellation

The YMCA will not take responsibility to cancel your bank or credit card draft. A 15-day written notice is required prior to your next scheduled draft date to stop a bank or credit card draft. It is the member’s responsibility to check their monthly bank statements to ensure the cancellation has taken effect. No refund will be given for a bank or credit card draft that occurs during the 15-day cancellation period. Membership fees are not refundable. Please see the front desk to obtain a cancellation form or email Members may not cancel a membership while they are enrolled in a paid-for program.

Membership Freeze

Members may freeze their membership for a minimum period of one month and a maximum of six months for a fee of $15.00 for each month.

Memberships may be frozen once per membership year. Members may not freeze a membership while they are enrolled in a paid-for program. A 10-days written notice is required before your next draft date.  Freeze forms are available at the front desk or email

Joiner fees are charged for all new memberships and to past members whose memberships have lapsed more than 30 days.

Membership For All

The YMCA is a membership organization open to all people, welcoming women and men, girls and boys of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities or finical circumstances. Our “Membership For All” program bases membership rates on total household income. Please see one of our Member Services Representatives for more information and online registration. 

Guest of A Member

Each membership unit is entitled to six (6) free guest passes per year, with the exception of Youth, Youth Aquatics and Student members under the age of 18 years. After six (6) visits, guests will be charged the Y’s Day Rate. Members must accompany their guests while using the facility.

Nationwide Membership

Nationwide Membership enables you to visit any participating YMCA in the United States through membership at your “home” YMCA (your home Y is the local Y that enrolled you as a member and collects your membership dues). We offer this because we want to help you reach your health and wellness goals wherever you live, work or travel. This is an essential part of our mission to strengthen communities. The following YMCA’s have an agreement which limits visits under the Nationwide Reciprocity program to no more than 8 per month; Darien, Westport, New Canaan, Greenwich, Stamford. Members of non-participating YMCA’s must pay a day guest rate.

Corporate Wellness Program & Community Discounts

If you are interested in enrolling your company in our corporate wellness program which includes a discount on your membership dues, contact our Membership Team at